Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A New Outlook

So yesterday I (well my mom actually did the work, thanks again mom) changed my flight from the 22nd to 16th of Dec., and today I had a really good one on one with my professor. In my one on one with Davide, my professor, we went over my exam, which i did well on(he said I needed to watch my spelling surprise surprise), and discussed both of my projects for the end of the semester. The drawing project I wasn't worried about but the research project on the other hand was totally stressing me out. He was very helped me put more direction on my research project and helped me find more sources. I now feel like I can actually do the project and do it well. I am very excited that my flight was changed. I know 6 days isn't that long but there is something about being able to say I go home in 35 days instead of 41 that just makes it seem like my time here is a lot shorter.

Changing my flight combined with the great meeting I had with my professor has given me a whole new outlook on the semester. I know feel like I can make it, have fun and do well. Before today I wasn't so sure most of the time.

I am also very excited about all the things that lie between here and going home. I have no doubt they are going to make the time fly by. I leave on Friday for 5 days in Northern Italy. Next Friday I have a regional field trip. I am going to Athens for 4 days over Thanksgiving. The First weekend in Dec. I will be in Salzburg on a Sound of Music tour, and the last Friday before finals I am signed up to take an amazing 5 hour Italian cooking class. Needless to say the rest of the semester is going to be pretty awesome!


  1. Megan,
    I am happy to learn that you are feeling better
    about your classes. Your trips sound exciting.
    When you are in Venice, try to ride a
    gondola. I was always sorry that Pop and
    I didn't when we were in Venice.
    Love, Nana and Pop

  2. Megan...I know you're anxious to be home soon, but I think that if it was I over there, I'd be changing my flight in the other direction. Like Dec. 23 :-). All your trips sound like such fun. I'm so happy you've had this experience and I know you will look back over it for many years to come. I've enjoyed reading your blog, and just wish we could have connected in Oct. when I was there.

    Mrs. Lynn


