Saturday, October 24, 2009


What I wouldn't do to watch just one down of Razorback Football!

With all of my closets friends on a bus Rollin' with the Razobacks to Oxford to watch the Razorbacks take on Ole Miss, and a beautiful fall day here that just begs to be spent in a football stadium it is safe to say I truly miss Razorback Football. I am however grateful that the Razorbacks are playing a morning game and I am in Rome this weekend so I will be able to follow the game via the play by play updates live on ESPN. I got really excited for a few minutes this morning when I found out the game is being broadcast on, and then I found out that Italy is the ONLY country in Europe that does not support the broadcast. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! But as I mentioned earlier at least I have the live updates on

I feel good about this game and after the great show the Razobacks put up last week I think we can win!

To those of you who buy me Christmas gifts 2 tickets to whatever bowl the Razorbacks are playing would be the BEST Christmas gift I have ever received. Just so you know!

To those of you I told I might call during half time, it doesnt look like that is going to happen because our wireless internet is out so my IPhone is out of commission today.

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